Supplies of chemical raw materials
from European and Asian countries

Supplies of chemical raw materials from European and Asian countries

Chernyshevskiy str., 82, bldg. 6, office 505-506
+7 347 246-45-57
+7 347 200-93-96

Maleic anhydride

Melamine is used:

For the production of melamine-formaldehyde resins (plastics, adhesives, varnishes), tanning agents, ion exchange resins, corrosion inhibitors, hexachloromelamine used in the production of dyes and herbicides;

For the production of resins used in the manufacture of chipboard, plywood, laminate, paper laminated plastics for furniture, walls, car salons, elevator booths, glues, plasticizers of concrete;

In the production of paint and varnish, with good color stability, high resistance to wear, scratching, abrasion, they are used when painting cars, household appliances;

In the production of press powders with various fillers (cellulose, fiberglass, wood flour), which are used in molding utensils, artificial marbles, buttons, ashtrays, handle bodies, buttons, keys; In the production of fertilizers, as well as a non-protein source of nitrogen for livestock.


Indicator name Norm
Extra Class I Class
Appearance Pure white powder without impurities
PH value 7,5-9,5
Content of the main substance,%, not less than 99,8 99,0
Water content,%, not more than 0,1 0,2
Ash content,%, not more than 0,03 0,06
Transparency, not more than 20 30
Color, not more than 20 30

Melamine is recommended to store in a cool, dry, well ventilated room and only on pallets, protect from atmospheric humidity and high temperatures, away from incompatible products - strong acids and oxidants.

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